The Ace of Clubs

We’re delighted to be supporting the Ace of Clubs again with our Harvest collection this year.

Video 1

Be inspired by watching this short video below, as they celebrate 25 years of amazing work in Clapham.

Video 2

A longer interview below, when Kit spoke with Martin Reyes, the Centre manager at the Ace of Clubs, who gives more detail on on the circumstances of their clients and how they support them.

Wish List for this year

The Wish List for this year is here.

Supporting the Ace of Clubs financially:

  1. Give a cash donation - please put it in an envelope and mark clearly

  2. Give online - more details here.

  3. Give Sainsbury’s Gift cards - please put it in an envelope and mark clearly

Dropping off donations of food and money

Please bring donations of food, money and/or gift cards to St James Church on a Tuesday or Friday between 11am-2pm, or on a Sunday just before or after the evening service which starts at 6pm. Please put food donations by the altar at the front of church. And give cash or gift cards, in an envelope clearly marked, to one of the clergy. We will collect between now and the 18th October.